Navigator Has Full Made2Manage Support

Supported Documents

Vertance Navigator is designed around the core Made2Manage documents. Not just a Production tool, or a Finance resource, Navigator supports all M2M documents, making it well suited for every member of your team.

  • Customers
  • Quotations
  • Sales Orders
  • AR Invoices
  • AP Invoices
  • Item Master
  • Job Orders
  • Purchase Orders
  • Receivers
  • Shippers
  • Vendors

Integration with your Made2Manage Environment

Vertance Navigator is tightly integrated with your Made2Manage environment. Navigator adapts itself to your system configuration and settings to display data in ways that are relevant and meaningful to you.

  • System Settings Integration: System items like Product Classes, Group Code, Facilities, Purchasing Categories, etc. have their full name displayed, not just a cryptic stored value.

    Product Class / Group Code Display
  • Popup Table Integration: All Made2Manage "Popup" Values (like Ship Via, Territories, etc.) are displayed with their full name, making it earlier to read the data. Almost all Popup data fields are Groupable, which means you can organize and view your data around your system configuration.